Looking West
How Volbeat frontman Michael Poulsen’s love of American heritage style led to a new limited special edition cap.
From the time his dad introduced him to early American rock & roll and Hollywood westerns, Volbeat and Asinhell frontman Michael Poulsen has felt himself drawn to classic Americana. In many ways, it’s been the touchstone of his artistic inspiration and it continues to inform his choice of pick-up truck (a vintage Ford), electric guitar (a Gibson SG GT) and cowboy hat (a Stetson, purchased while on tour in Texas, naturally). He’s also a fan of another American heritage style, the trucker cap.
Frequently seen spotting a Stetson trucker cap between gigs, Poulsen has now collaborated on a special limited edition cap that is available at Stetson stores in Europe and online at www.stetson.eu.

Looking West
How Volbeat frontman Michael Poulsen’s love of American heritage style led to a new limited special edition cap.
From the time his dad introduced him to early American rock & roll and Hollywood westerns, Volbeat and Asinhell frontman Michael Poulsen has felt himself drawn to classic Americana. In many ways, it’s been the touchstone of his artistic inspiration and it continues to inform his choice of pick-up truck (a vintage Ford), electric guitar (a Gibson SG GT) and cowboy hat (a Stetson, purchased while on tour in Texas, naturally). He’s also a fan of another American heritage style, the trucker cap.
Frequently seen spotting a Stetson trucker cap between gigs, Poulsen has now collaborated on a special limited edition cap that is available at Stetson stores in Europe and online at www.stetson.eu.

Michael Poulsen, frontman for the multi-platinum Danish band Volbeat, has been a longtime Stetson fan—and now he’s put his own stamp on our signature aesthetic. The resulting limited edition collaboration will be available in Stetson stores and selected retailers in Europe and online at www.stetson.eu beginning July 22, 2024.
The cap features an exclusive graphic of the Stetson logo that’s inspired by the desert landscapes of the American West and features earthy brown, green and yellow tones that echo the band’s album artwork.
In the two decades since their formation, Volbeat has established themselves as one of the biggest global names in hard rock and heavy metal, selling millions of records, collecting billions of streams, selling out countless shows and comfortably sharing the stage with legends like Black Sabbath, Metallica and Slipknot.
Poulsen grew up inspired by the classic American rock ‘n’ roll and old Hollywood westerns his father introduced him to as a kid. He’s also been a fan of Stetson since the time he wrote the word “Stetson” in his toy cowboy hat as a child, going on to purchasing his first real Stetson cowboy hat during his first trip to the United States and frequently wearing the brand’s trucker caps between and even during gigs. He can even been seen sporting a Stetson trucker cap on the back of last year’s Impii Hora, the debut album by Michael’s other band, Asinhell.
The limited edition caps will be available at Stetson stores, selected retailers in Europe and online at stetson.eu.

Auction for a good cause: Stetson is delighted about international interest
As part of a charity initiative, Stetson Europe auctioned off three unique pieces that were created in collaboration with the French artist duo "The Feebles". Numerous bids were received for the hand-painted Stetson products until the auction ended on March 3, 2024.
Although the Stetson Fedora hat quickly emerged as the star of the auction, the Trucker Cap and the Hatteras also quickly found interested bidders. After an exciting auction finale, the final sum amounted to 872 euros.
Stetson was particularly pleased about the international interest, as the unique pieces will be going to three different countries - Germany, France and Italy. To make the auction a well-rounded affair, Friedrich W. Schneider GmbH & Co. KG - Stetson's European licensee - has decided to round up the donation amount to 1500 euros. The proceeds of the auction will benefit the organization "Aktion Deutschland Hilft". Aktion Deutschland Hilft is an association of renowned German relief organizations. In the event of major disasters and emergencies, they provide humanitarian aid abroad - together, quickly and in a coordinated manner. The alliance also helps with disaster preparedness. These aid projects help people to be better prepared for natural disasters and the consequences of climate change.

On December 15th we openend a new Stetson Store in Lisbon, the heart of Portugal. The shop owner Rita Rua was raised in a family that owned two traditional hat stores downtown Lisbon, founded in 1886 by her great-grandfather. She has been familiar with the Stetson brand since childhood and her past gravely marked her passion and expertise for headwear. Located in Lisbon's main shopping area "Chiado", the 754 sq. ft space showcase a wide range of legendary and signature Stetson hats, caps and accessoires.
Find the shop here: 📍 Rua Nova do Almada 84, 1200-289 Lisbon, Portugal

Stetson is proud to annouce a new flagship store opening. On April 18th Stetson opened its first store in the beautiful Netherlands, in its capital Amsterdam. From now on, hat and cap lovers have the opportunity to shop their favorite Stetson styles in the center of Amsterdam, more precisely on the Oude Hoogstraat 10. The store is as wonderful as its wide range of different Stetson styles. From straw hats, up to trucker, western or newsboy caps, everyone will find what he/she is looking for.
Find the shop here: 📍 Oude Hoogstraat 10, 1012 CE Amsterdam

On March 15th Stetson opened its first UK store in the heart of London's West End. Situated within Seven Dials on Covent Garden’s Neal Street, the 1,165 sq. ft space showcase a wide range of signature Stetson styles from outdoor lifestyle and authentic Western hats to timeless classics and streetwear styles for both men and women. The thoughtfully designed store pays homage to Stetson’s roots taking inspiration from 'The Great Outdoors' with elevated details reflecting the brand's heritage.

Sebastian Boekholt, Managing Director FWS / Stetson Europe, commented "Opening our UK debut flagship at Seven Dials is a significant milestone for us. The flagship store will help us to grow this strategically important market. Home to a curated range of global brands and independent stores, and well-positioned in the heart of the West End, Seven Dials was the obvious location of choice for us, and we're thrilled to have finally opened here."
Mark Harris, Stetson London Director (Hat Retail Ltd) adds: “We are very excited to open the doors to the new Stetson London store. The initial reaction from customers has been incredible. The space also includes a stunning showroom for our wholesale customers”.
📍 58 Neal Street Covent Garden London WC2H 9PA

From helmets to heads! The European League of Football and Stetson Europe have signed a sponsorship deal for the coming season. Stetson, as a traditional brand, will serve as the official supplier of the largest European football league. Foundedi n the USA in 1865 and named after John B. Stetson, the company and the pan-European league also work hand in hand to improve merchandising. In 2023, for example, the company will have its own collection with Stetson. Sebastian Boekholt, managing director of FWS (European licensee of Stetson): "We are super excited to be an official supplier of the European League of Football. Stetson, an authentic American heritage headwear brand and Europe's most exciting American Football League, is a perfect match. We are looking forward to supply fans, staff and players of the European League of Football with the best headwear available." Zeljko Karajica, managing director of the European League of Football: "Stetson stand for quality in headwear for centuries. With this partnership, we are creating an exciting field for both sides and will be able to further increase our quality in merchandising."

Stetson Spring/Summer Collection Video - Episode #4
This summer, Stetson's hitting the beach! But what's new, which products are special and where do they come from? To dive into the spring/summer collection 2022, Stetson created a short YouTube series consisting of six episodes. Six groups of products, six experts, six styles - One summer! Get ready for episode #4 - Street Caps, Trucker & Buckets. Find the video here: Stetson Spring/Summer 2022 Collection Video - Episode #4

Stetson Spring/Summer Collection Video - Episode #3
This summer, Stetson's hitting the beach! But what's new, which products are special and where do they come from? To dive into the spring/summer collection 2022, Stetson created a short YouTube series consisting of six episodes. Six groups of products, six experts, six styles - One summer! Get ready for episode #3 - Theme SS22 "Beach"! Find it here: Stetson Spring/Summer 2022 Collection - Episode #3

Stetson Spring/Summer 2022 Collection Video - Episode #2
This summer, Stetson's hitting the beach! But what's new, which products are special and where do they come from? To dive into the spring/summer collection 2022, Stetson created a short YouTube series consisting of six episodes. Six groups of products, six experts, six styles - One summer! Get ready for episode #2 - Panama Hats, Fine Braids Italy. Find it here: Episode #2 on YouTube

Stetson Spring/Summer Collection - Series
This summer, Stetson's hitting the beach! To bring the beach vibe also into your summer, Stetson created a small YouTube Series with six episodes, that present the spring/summer collection. Six groups of products, six experts, six styles - One summer! Get ready for episode #1 on the Stetson YouTube channel. Find the first episode here: Stetson Spring/Summer Collection Episode #1

Henrik Freischlader: tres no bastan
Todo el que conozca la colección Stetson-Styles, creerá que 200 no son suficientes. Este grandioso músico de blues tiene muchos más de 200 gorros y gorras. Ya hay tres modelos que llevan su nombre, dos gorras y un gorro. Ahora, el músico de rock de Stetson ha diseñado una nueva gorra Hattera de Stetson con el motivo de su sello discográfico, ¡es su cuarto diseño firmado! Fabricada especialmente para él, de lana virgen con un patrón de espinas de pez y el sello Cable-Car-Records. Se puede observar en el forro interior "Made Especially for Henrik Freischlader by Stetson" en azul oscuro. Y si queréis, también podéis tener su estilo: Aquí lo podéis encontrar. También podéis ver un retrato genial de Henrik y su pasión por Stetson en YouTube.

Merece la pena ir de visita Stetson abre una tienda nueva en Hamburgo
Ahora hay otro motivo por el que hacer una parada en la estación del ayuntamiento de Hamburgo. ¡Stetson ha abierto una tienda! Desde mediados noviembre encontraréis nuestra tienda en Herrmannstrasse 40, donde os sorprenderéis de los estilos auténticos y podréis conocer a otros fans del equipo. Venid a visitarnos. Una buena tienda como la nuestra, llena de gorras, gorros y demás, siempre está repleta de la gente correcta. Todo lo bueno viene en frascos de 4: La tienda de Hamburgo ahora está en Berlín, Fráncfort, Sylt y ahora, tenemos la cuarta tienda Stetson en Alemania. O también podemos añadir una más, si contamos la tienda de Perugia (Italia). Contadnos en cuál de nuestra cinco tiendas Stetson de Europa habéis estado ya, por ejemplo en Instagram.

Stetson sigue apostando por el equipo Haie de Colonia
La nueva temporada de hockey sobre hielo se acerca y la tensión aumenta. Stetson también va al unísono y colabora con mucha más intensidad que nunca con el equipo de los tiburones. Los atentos seguidores ya pueden descubrir otro signo de la colaboración fructífera: el nuevo diseño de los cascos. Este diseño llamativo ha sido desarrollado en colaboración con el director de arte de Stetson de Nueva York. Su diseño Donegal en 3D de color gris oscuro se combina con un blanco glacial y así, se forma un casco de tiburón con tres branquias. El presidente de FWS retoma el eslogan del equipo Haie: "Ahora respiramos más hondo con el hockey sobre hielo". El presidente de Haie, Philipp Walter, considera fenomenal "que no solo compartimos nuestras convicciones, sino que también seguimos conformando nuestras experiencias en común." Los seguidores reales se unen a la colaboración intensa: Hay una gorra exclusiva Trucker de Stetson con el motivo del tiburón en la tienda del equipo Haie.
Get the Cap here
Seguimos mejorando. Stetson supera los beneficios de los cascos subastados de Haie.
¿Cuándo se quita el casco un jugador de Kölner Haie? Cuando Stetson le da un buen motivo para hacerlo. El equipo de Colonia estaba preparado para la fiesta del verano. Los cascos firmados por Mo Müller, Ryan Jones, Jason Akeson y Freddie Tiffels han cambiado de dueños. Y el director de marketing de Stetson Michal R. "Bronski" Brzozowski (derecha) le da al presidente ejecutivo y entrenador en jefe Rodion Pauels (medio) y Hans Höfermann jefe de patrocinio y miembro de la junta (izquierda) de KEC "Die Haie" e.V. un cheque de más de 2.651 Euro por la subasta benéfica. La recaudación del 100% de los beneficios irá dirigida al trabajo infantil y juvenil de KEC, que en la actualidad apoya a 260 jóvenes de 4 a 19 años. También han sido invitados los participantes que llevan con orgullo sus cascos de Haie, para celebrar la nueva temporada con los jugadores, seguidores y los grupos musicales de Colonia. Foto: Kai Tigelkamp
KEC "Die Haie" e.V.
Stronger on Ice. Stetson subasta cascos del equipo Haie
91 – 28 – 19 – 21: Los fans del equipo Kölner Haie ya saben quién fabrica cascos con un buen objetivo para apoyar a niños y adolescentes. Stetson subasta cascos firmados de Mo Müller, Ryan Jones, Jason Akeson y Freddie Tiffels que podréis llevarlos puestos. La recaudación del 100% de los beneficios irá dirigida al trabajo infantil y juvenil de KEC, que en la actualidad apoya a 260 jóvenes de 4 a 19 años. Una parte de los beneficios está destinada a "Sommereis" para generar espíritu de equipo y personalidad durante estos meses. La otra parte apoya al equipo atlético, la fuerza y movilidad ya no solo son exclusivas de los deportes en equipo más rápidos del mundo. ¿En qué podéis contribuir? Participad con el casco de vuestro jugador favorito y estaréis invitados al primer partido en casa de la nueva temporada en "Stetson Suicide Box". Las subastas (eBay) comienzan el 28-07-2019 y terminan el 04-08-2019, a las 20:00 horas. ¡BUENA SUERTE!
Para Subasta
We did good – Stetson presents the proceeds of the Haie helmet auction
The first Kölner Haie home game of the season offered the perfect backdrop for a large check. KEC and Stetson collaborated in this project to support the Kalker Kindermittagstisch e.V. in the financing of a youth worker position . The Kalker Kindermittagstisch e.V. offers a hot meal and help with homework to 120 children who do not receive sufficient care at home. The founder of the organization, Elisabeth Klotz, was very happy about the 3,011.33 euros received from the auction of four helmets belonging to Haie players Christian Ehrhoff, Mo Müller, Felix Schütz and Sebastian Uvira. The proud new owners of the Haie helmets were beaming too: They were invited into the "Stetson Suicide Box" during the Haie home game by the Haie managing director Philipp Walter (right) and Stetson marketing manager Michal R. Bronski Brzozowski (left). Photos: Kai Tigelkamp
Kölner Haie
Good guys for a good cause – Stetson is auctioning off Haie helmets
Which fan of the Kölner Haie wouldn't want a helmet from his favorite team? From Christian Ehrhoff, Mo Müller, Felix Schütz or Sebastian Uvira? Stetson's got its hands on four helmets for you - and you can bid for them for a good cause! The Kalker Kindermittagstisch e.V. is offering 120 children with insufficient care at home a hot meal, help with homework, and more. KEC and Stetson have joined forces to support the financing of a youth worker position there. What can you do to help? Bid on your favorite player's helmet and help the kids in this way! The eBay auctions end on 7/13/2018, 8 p.m. The association receives 100% of the proceeds. The kicker: The helmet winner is invited to the "Stetson Suicide Box" for the first Haie home game of the new season. Will we see you there?